A story about the background of my desire to be circumcised, the way to realize this desire and what will happen afterwards.

Comments are welcome, of course, presumed that they are expressed in a serious and civilized manner, and relevant, i.e. concerns self-chosen male circumcision. 

Dont hesitate to send an e-mail if you want to get in personal touch, just click the link on my profile.

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Monday, 11 January 2010

How my uncircumcised penis looks

Today my penis looks like this.
It's visible that my foreskin is neither tight nor long, rather the opposite, so I have no medical problems with it.

This doesn't prevent me from wanting to get rid of it. As most men who urge to be circumcised I prefer to have my glans exposed all the time, but since my foreskin is so loose it still slips forward, whether I want it or not!

My uncut penis in flaccid state.
Left: Foreskin pushed forward. Right: Foreskin retracted.

My uncut penis in semi-flaccid state.
Left: Foreskin pushed forward. Right: Foreskin retracted.

My uncut penis. When it erects, the foreskin automatically retracts.
Left: Semi-erect state. Right: Fully erect state.


  1. Very nice equipment! Thick shaft, nicely shaped head. While your foreskin is not unattractive, your penis will be awesome when it is removed!

  2. I have a question.. it seems like you have exactly what i want for my penis but you take it for granted haha. Does your foreskin retract easily from friction from your clothes since its short? My foreskin is short as well, but the foreskin dosen't try to cover up the glans by itself if its moved back from friction.

  3. My "problem" was that the foreskin didn't stay behind the glans as I wanted it to, but easily slipped over the glans again, that's one of the reasons I had it removed.

  4. my problem is that my foreskin doesn' retract fully!! what can i do ?

    1. You can remove the frenulum fuly.by this the foreskin retracts fully,penis looks smoother from under side of the glans.Feelings are very lovely.I have recently done it.I am totally satisfied with the frenulum removal

  5. 1: Stretch your foreskin. Pull it backwards as far as you can, firmly but not painfully. Do this several times a day, every day.
    2: If it doesn't help though you've done this for a long time, go to a urologist and ask for a circumcision! Of course I recommend a circumcision in any case, but that's another question...

  6. It sounds strange, but this was really helpful. I somehow did not know whether my husband was circumcised or not because I really only "interact" with his penis when it is erect. When it is, it very much resembles a circumcised penis. I felt dumb not knowing this about my own husband and even dumber about asking him myself because shouldn't I know these things? I have seen him a few times just out of the shower and it looks uncut. Now I know.

    1. I had this same problem. I said he was circumcised and he said no, he was not. Since I had never seen a penis uncircumcised, save a 3 yr old's. However he has one small section that is attached to the edge of the head. I wonder if this is normal or a defect. It doesn't seem to bother or hinder him.

    2. Very helpful and tastefully done. Thank you.

  7. nice package. it looked great uncut....(sigh) if only u were into guys

  8. @Anonymous 11 June:
    What I'm into - well, deliberately I try to let that be unknown on this blog, so I don't tell you if you've come to the false or right conclusion.
    If you want personal information, send me an e-mail! :-)

  9. You have a very beautiful penis! Your glans is very large and perfectly shaped with a pronounced ridge. I can understand that you would want to expose your glans and not want a foreskin covering the very best feature of your penis. Thanks for sharing your story and the pictures of your beautiful penis!

    1. I agree nice foreskin KP, not too long and floppy, but I prefer the second picture skin back. I have been keeping my skin back for several years, the skin does not slip back. It feels great and looks circumcised at a glance. The head seems to have got bigger and that keeps the skin back. During intercourse with the penis and head really hard, it will slip in and out and the skin stays back. Feels great as the head seems 'in contact' with the vagina all the time, no foreskin getting in the way.

  10. @Anonymous 20 August:
    Thank you for your very kind comment. My glans isn't that large, but you're right anyway: I don't want my glans to be covered, and recommend that no other glans would be covered either!

  11. What a shame that you cut off your skin. I would almost die to have my skin back. I guess in your case you were able to get what you wanted. For me since my skin is gone I have no real choice.

  12. It must be full of smagma all the time.. Thank god mine is cut :)

  13. I never had any smegma when I was uncircumcised, and no-one with a normally functioning foreskin should have, as long as they keep a proper hygienic standard.

  14. Uncut penis is the most beautiful thing created by man. Glad you're happy, but I do love your pictures with foreskin better.

  15. Just had to add my experience as a woman regarding the smegma. I was with a man for 2 years who was uncut and he was a very clean man. Showered usually twice a day due to his job. But he was always dealing with smegma. Between morning and night he would be so "smegma-ed" it looked like semen. I'd just hate to think people believe it's always an issue about hygienic standards because that wasn't true. Unplanned sex was off the table. Oral...well, no explanation needed. Vaginal meant a urinary tract infection for me. Circumcision is such a touchy subject for so many that they change truth to support their side of the decision. (Not you KP, in general.) BTW, he investigated choice circumcision years before we met and his doctor told him he might as well cut off his entire penis it would be so devestating. Obviously not true but once that thought has been given to a man, the decision is made.

  16. I like my foreskin pulled back permanently (I am not circumcised). So a couple of years ago, I left it pulled back and initially the head was a bit sore as it was not used to being in this state however this only lasted a week or so. I now keep it permanently like that with no problems. I find it much cleaner and never smells as it used to sometimes before. I find that it nows stays pulled back and in fact to get it to cover the glans, I have to really work at it.
    By the way, when I was much younger, I also had difficulty in pulling it back to expose the glans as it was very tight and I could not wank pulling it right back but as someone has already said above, you just keep doing it and the skin does eventually expand.

  17. In response to the April 28, 2012, post: Your experience sounds very unusual and is likely not typical of most uncut men, especially given how frequently your fellow showered. I'm a cut man married to an uncut man for almost two decades now, and my experience has been vastly different. My husband showers at least once a day, often twice on days when he works out. I frequently give him early-morning blowjobs, which would be when his penis is at its "funkiest" (for lack of a better word), and not once have I ever encountered even the slightest trace of smegma. I have to wonder if your fellow might have had something else going on that was causing him to develop that kind of buildup so quickly.

  18. I'm uncut. I have never had a problem with smegma, BUT UNBCUT MEN BEWARE! If you are on anti-biotics you can develop a yeast infection, this can be mistaken for smegma. I had surgery and my Doctor told me that I would have to be very careful with the anti-biotics, he apoligized for noticing , I told him no problem.

  19. I think you have a great looking penis I wish I was uncut do not circumcise you lose so much of the pleasure and feeling I think circumcision is becoming less and less popular around the world

  20. I'm cut and I'm currently stretching my skin to get my foreskin back, I so want what I don't have. I'm straight but love the look of a uncut cock.

    1. Does that work?? I am looking to get my foreskin back also.

  21. I'm uncut I really never have a problem with smegma I usually retract my foreskin when I urinate I wash really well during showers.

  22. I have an uncircumcised penis neither had problems while pulling the foreskin back to expose the glans nor have had any issues like smegma.I just wanted to know whether a circumcised penis makes any difference while having a sexual intercourse as compared to an uncirsumcised penis?

  23. I am uncut. I too think it looks good intact. I notionally think about the idea but ideally I would like a foreskin a bit shorter and one that automatically retracts when erect, like yours did before your op.

  24. i am 30 years.my parents told me when i was small in age that your circumcision was naturaly occured by birth.now i have a short foreskin but it always remains behind penis head and penis head always remain uncovered and it looks like circumcised penis.i am muslim and in islam circumcision is must.now i ask from muslims having knwledge about that what should i do about circumcision

  25. Not sure if you're responding to this blog anymore, but I have a question. My husband has a very tight foreskin that he refuses to take care of. After 8 years of marriage, I have become extremely frustrated with it. His is so tight that It doesn't move much at all. The opening is so small that you could probably not put a q tip into it comfortably. Sometimes when we have sex he will use a ridiculous amount of lube which really detracts from the experience for me. On top of that he is unusually small and it appears that the foreskin is so tight that he doesn't even become fully erect. He is afraid that he will lose sensation during sex if he has a circumcision, so my question is: Did you lose any sensation during sex when you were circumcised? I am to the point where I am tired of his overall selfishness. Also, what is the best way to approach him from a male standpoint? I have endured for 8 years without complaint, but I don't see the rest of my life being completely unhappy and unsatisfied with the physical aspect of our relationship.

    1. I'll respond to you, Anonymous14 December 2012 11:57. You have a right to be upset, and I would be too if I were in your situation. Your husband has serious phimosis and needs to address it, not just from a sex standpoint but also from a health standpoint. If he cannot retract his foreskin AT ALL (even when he's soft), then this can lead to serious cleanliness and health issues down the road because he should be able to clean underneath it. If he were to get a circumcision, he would initially find that the sensation would feel MUCH better because of the now-exposed glans, which had been kept protected and covered by the foreskin. However, down the road his glans would become less sensitive due to constant exposure. Instead of a circumcision, talk with him about seeing a specialist who can give him some advice about stretching his foreskin so that it can eventually be retracted. I'm certain there are exercises and probably some creams that can be of aid. Believe me, once he's able to retract his foreskin, sex will feel WAY better for him (and for you too, for that matter) because his glans will be exposed to all those delicious sensations during the act instead of being covered up. Right now his foreskin is actually hindering the sensation, not enhancing it, which likely explains why he's been using so much lube. If he's unwilling even to take those steps, then I'm afraid I don't really see a solution to this problem. Best of luck to you.

  26. This is an interesting blog. I would like to clear the air(lol) about a few things. I am uncut and gay. In the USA we are very inhibited about a number of things. First we have to think that we have to deorderized eveything all the time. Secondly, we seem to have an aversion to the natural body smells. I am not talking about being dirty and unclean, but what is a natural body fragrance.

  27. I'm glad that you're happy with your decision, because there's no undoing of the noticeable scaring now seen on your penis ... personally, I think that your doctor had done a rather poor job of surgery, I know I'd be displeased with it for myself! I'm uncut with a penis that highly resembles your before photo and would never think about messing with an attractive and perfectly functioning penis ... besides, that skin had contained so many nerve endings! YES, I believe that some men should be circumcised due to hygiene problems created by tight skin, though I'm not one of them and neither should you have been! Again, you choice though!

  28. Some interesting posts, thank you KP. I think you have a lovely penis especially the photo of 'before' with the skin back. I am uncut and keep my skin back all the time and it feels and looks great, the only thing I would like is the tightness of a cut penis but at 60yrs old, I will stay with what I have and enjoy unless someone can suggest a way of keeping my skin back tight.

  29. I had foreskin until my 17 y.o. It was normal, retracted normaly, but I decided to circumcise it. Now my glans is always exposed and I have no regrets doing circumcision. Should do it before. No loss sensation and sex became better.

  30. I think you have a beautiful penis; thanks for sharing. I, too, am uncut and love it. Don't have any problems with retraction now; however, I did as a teenager. It just takes time working the skin back and forth. Some great advice was offered above. I have to agree with the guy who mentioned our society's aversion to natural body smells. I do keep myself clean, but love the natural smells of a guy. Have often fantasized about being with someone with a couple days of built up smegma.

  31. Great job... Goodbye skyrocket. Hello helmut. Better later than never and entirely of your own choice.

  32. Hi-
    I agree, your illustrations were very nice. I really had to know as I have never seen an uncircumcised male. (I know, I don't get around much, lol) Thanks for sharing this, I appreciate not feeling so stupid now!
