A story about the background of my desire to be circumcised, the way to realize this desire and what will happen afterwards.

Comments are welcome, of course, presumed that they are expressed in a serious and civilized manner, and relevant, i.e. concerns self-chosen male circumcision. 

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Thursday, 21 January 2010

Day 8

Countless times it's been joked about how men are occupied with their penises - and we laugh at the jokes simply because we, with some embarrassment, recognize ourselves. For example: Those of you guys who have never measured your penis, raise your hands! And you who raised your hands - shame on you to be such liars!

I'm certainly no exception, and studied my penis thoroughly this morning. The incision line on the backside doesn't look very nice at same places. In the middle it looks sort of like a lump, and has done so all the time, and I wonder if it's going to even out in the end. It looks a little messy around some stitches too, but I found something that lit me up too: Between two stitches, the skin has visibly healed. This tiny little line has just closed! The incision has now become a whole and rather even piece of skin. My body is working as it should, and that shouldn't surprise me  - though seeing with my own eyes that it now is happening gives me some comfort and release some of the unconscious doubt.

In general my penis feels more physically calm today, I can't express it better, and the skin really looks like it's healing. Maybe reduction of swelling cause this notion.


I haven't had an ejaculation since last Sunday, that's eleven days ago. There's nothing strange about that, since I now and the have periods for 1-2 weeks when I don't have an orgasm just because I don't feel lust, and I have really not felt any need since my circumcision!

However, now I'm beginning to feel it would be very pleasurable to masturbate! But - just forget about it until later... Maybe it's another sign of healing - my body's starting to recognize genital functioning.



1 comment:

  1. "The incision line on the backside doesn't look very nice at same places. In the middle it looks sort of like a lump, and has done so all the time, and I wonder if it's going to even out in the end." That is exactly what I wanted to point out in one of my previous reactions. And yes, in the end the skin will grow from underneath with the lump gradually getting less and less.
    "My body is working as it should, and that shouldn't surprise me - though seeing it with my own eyes that it now is happening gives me some comfort and release some of the unconscious doubt." Ok, you're still doing fine, so give it time!

    "I haven't had an ejaculation since last Sunday, that's eleven days ago." So, that was your last as an uncirced guy then!
    I had my first ejaculation after circumcision on day 22. It only took a little movement of a few fingers over the circ line (no pressure at all!!!) to set the ejac in motion: the biggest I'd ever had! After that relief I could go on for another week without an ejaculation.
